OK, this one is SO much harder than you might think! I gave myself a few days from my 12-step program to enjoy the Independence Day festivities and relax. My husband and I spent two days on the sailboat. And come to think of it, I didn't think about TTC much at all! Well, except that one time when the boat was a-rockin' and I was thinking "hmmmm, maybe I am ovulating on cycle day 8..." OK, I know...much more than you needed to know. Ha. So, I remain free of all pee sticks and baby things wish lists. So a great step in the right direction. I almost relapsed and bought some ovulation predictor sticks, but I stuck it out! The withdrawal is subsiding a bit...I no longer think of peeing on a stick first thing in the morning. And the craving has all but disappeared in the afternoon. I just keep myself busy with other, more mundane things such as laundry and cooking for loving husband. But nothing beats the rush of that test line turning darker than the control line...I am doing pretty good right now actually. I am on cycle day 8, and just waiting to ovulate! Ooooh, I made a cheer. Chant with me girls!!!
So, onto step three today. Ridding bookshelves of all TTC books. Wow, this one is MUCH harder than I thought it would be. I haven't quite gotten there yet guys! I have to be honest. They are all still on my shelves. I mean, what if I need them when something funky happens in my cycle??? I need help here, as I am officially failing step three! I am cool with getting rid of all of them except my Bible. The famous "Taking Charge of Your Fertility". Maybe I can break this one down into smaller steps. I think my first step will be to keep them on the shelf (kinda like a security blanket), but NOT read them. Then maybe move two or three into a box a day. I like that idea...
I think one problem with these books is that they all contradict each other. It doesn't make any damn sense!!!! Have sex with partner every other day for 14 days. Have sex with partner three times per day for 3 days. Have sex with partner everyday for 6 days in the missionary position and insert cervical cup onto cervix for 30 minutes...and make sure legs remain at 90 degree angle to rest of body for one hour and then perform headstand against the wall for another 30 minutes and, oh, DON'T TAKE MOTRIN for that headache you're gonna have afterward...GEESH! Oh, and there's the famous luteal phase defect and what constitutes one - 9 days, 10 days, 4 days....oh, and per OB/GYN, 9 days is a sufficient luteal phase....WTF???!!! I mean, I know these authors mean well, but come on! Oh, and you gotta love the hippie, tree-hugger authors of one specific book (which shall remain nameless), who urge you to drink vegetable milkshakes and down about 876 vitamin supplements everyday...I mean, WHO THE HELL CAN DRINK A VEGETABLE MILKSHAKE WHEN THEY HAVE THE "VITAMIN VOMITS"??? Another term I coined for that lovely post-vitamin nauseated feeling that I get no matter what formula I try. I think I just reminded myself the reasons for step 3!!!
OK, so I will rid shelves right now of all books, except my Bible. I'll keep that for emergencies...you know, when I am up at 3am and desperately need to know, in full color, what consititutes the difference between creamy cervical mucus and the milky type.
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