As they come to me, I will write some of the tips I have learned during my TTC journey. Hopefully these will help someone (especially all of us Type A Personalities..." So, here are my first five!
#1 - Stop taking birth control pills three to six months before actively TTC.
I did not do this. So, basically, the first six cycles have probably been wasted stress! Suck it up and use condoms during this period. I did not do this either. This will give your body some time to regulate.
#2 - Don't kick yourself for falling back into unhealthy habits.
When I decided to TTC, I did ALL the right things. No alcohol, no tobacco, no refined foods, no high-mercury fish, no sushi, no raw meat, no caffeine....blah blah blah. Eventually, you will get tired of changing your habits because you have nothing to change them for. It's a lot different if there's a little bean growing in your belly. You WILL cheat, you WILL lose your willpower, and then you WILL feel guilty. Don't.
#3 - Don't lose the romance.
This is VERY easy to do. I know, all of us start this journey saying that it will "never happen to us - we'll never fight about it". Well, you know what??? You will. When it is cycle day 14 and the ovulation predictor kit proves it's time to go - well, it's time to go! And you will move hell and high water to get your significant other to have sex with you. And all that stuff about men always being in the mood - bullshit. It gets old. For both of you. So, try to spice it up and have sex when it's NOT babymaking time.
#4 - Don't bargain with husband to convince him to have sex with you.
Guilty! It is not healthy to say "I will make you the bacon and eggs you asked for IF you have sex with me - right now - missionary - and, oh, by the way - don't get up too fast afterward." This will NOT go over well!
#5 - Do not EVER have home pregnancy tests (HPT's) in your house at ANY time.
You will pee on them. Even if it's only 5 days after ovulation. Even if it's the day you're ovulating. Even if it's when your period is here. I know this because I have done it. "Oh, I'll just check, because this (heavy, pad-per-hour, I'm-bleeding-like-a-stuck-pig) period might just be implantation spotting..." Trust me, it's not. And you have wasted approximately $12.00 on that digital test that you KNEW was going to say "Not Pregnant".
I had a long written out comment, and it got deleted.... BOO!! Maybe another time. I love what you write here and will continue to follow you. When I read your words, I feel like I could be saying them myself! I've been there with all of it.